Can You Make Hair For Me?

Make Hair

So you’re thinking about making hair! Great! Please read the guidelines below and go crazy! Most people already have materials in their basements, closets or garages that would make great hair. The dollar store is also a good source!


Create hair for me out of materials that normally aren’t considered hair. This includes any materials, any colors and any textures, natural or manufactured.

Hair must have enough structure or adhesive to be placed on my head and remain there for photographing.

If you like, contact me to set up a time to do a photoshoot once your “head” is ready if you would like to take the pictures yourself, otherwise I will take them. Bring along any accessories you will need. e.g. a safe adhesive. Let me know if you want to me wear any special clothes or colors, otherwise I will come up with an idea.

It’s my intent to print, share, post and show these images in an exhibition setting and online. Please note that when the images are taken and submitted to me I plan to use them on social media and in other possible outlets. We will both be credited for the work, but the final images belong to me.

Please fill out the contact form below if you would like to mail completed hair to me or if you have questions.

Contact Eileen

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